There are several areas of the ear that can be corrected. The best known ear correction is the correction of protruding ears.
The earlobes can also be a source of irritation. The position, shape and size can all be adjusted, usually by surgery, sometimes by a temporary filler.
Sometimes there is a torn-out earlobe. An accident or frequent wearing of heavy earrings can cause the holes in the ears to sag and get larger, causing the earrings to not stay in place properly. This, too, can be corrected.
The last group with problems on the ears are people who suffer from scars on the ears. This group is increasing due to frequent piercing of the ears.
Not always these piercings go flawlessly, and because the cartilage of the ears is very sensitive to accidents, it can cause permanent damage. Sometimes something can be done about this, sometimes unfortunately not.
Rated with a 9.7 out of 10
Rated with a 9.7 out of 10
Ear surgery is usually performed at a child’s age. For the procedure to be successful, it is important that the child has a good understanding of what is going to happen and that he or she wants the procedure themselves. Usually this is not the case until around the age of 6 and upward.
Another group we see a lot are children before they enter high school. Because children (under the age of 18) are not operated on in Kliniek het Bolwerk, treatment takes place in the hospital.
A final group of people who come to us for ear correction are men who become balding later in life. This makes the position of the ears more noticeable.
A correction of protruding ears is a procedure in which the position of the ears is improved under local anesthesia, and in the hospital under anesthesia in children. After the anesthesia wears off, the procedure can be sensitive.
Protruding ears or floppy ears are common. They are usually caused by an abnormality in the cartilage skeleton of the ear.
This cartilage skeleton can be corrected by plastic surgery.
Correction of the position of the ears is performed from the age of about six years.
Because you get caught on something with the earring, a hole may tear out. This is painful, and when the wound heals, you are left with a split earlobe that no longer fits an earring.
Sometimes a split earlobe results from frequent wear of heavy earrings. First, the hole stretches where it gets bigger, and when it can no longer do so, the final skin bridge cracks.
Then, too, you have a split earlobe. This does not repair itself. Through a minor treatment under local anesthesia, a torn earlobe can be repaired.
Expect the procedure to take about 30 minutes per side. After the procedure, the wound area is taped with wound strips and must be kept clean. The stitches are removed after one to two weeks.
During the initial consultation, you will meet with the plastic surgeon who will perform the surgery.
The plastic surgeon will review with you the position of your ears and inquire about your expectations about this correction. He will inform you about the best possible treatment for you.
After a correction of protruding ears, the goal is for the ears to lie neatly flat against the head. The scars behind the ears are generally not noticeable.
Occasionally, these scars may become itchy and/or red. Because the cartilage of the ear is quite unruly, it is possible that the position of the ears will return to the old position over time. A second correction is then a possible option.
Scheduling the correction of floppy ears is done in accordance with your wishes. Many people prefer to schedule the surgery after one of the school vacations. Therefore, these spots are usually given up first.
Because the procedure in children is performed in day surgery, there is a small waiting period with a maximum of about six weeks. For smaller treatments such as earlobe corrections, the initial consultation and treatment can take place within two weeks.
Before the procedure, we recommend washing the hair and braiding long hair into a high ponytail. Since a large bandage is applied over both ears immediately after the procedure, it is not possible to wash hair for a week.
If the procedure is performed under general anesthesia, you must be sober from midnight the night before. The anesthesiologist will inform you about this.
General anesthesia is preferred in children.
From about 12 years of age, the procedure can also be performed under local anesthesia. The procedure takes about 90 minutes.
There are several methods for correcting protruding ears. Which method is most suitable for you, the plastic surgeon treating you will discuss with you during the initial consultation.
Before surgery, the face is cleaned and covered sterile. A local anesthetic is then given, even if the surgery is performed under general anesthesia.
The anesthetic consists of a long-acting anesthetic that can last up to six hours. This drug is administered by injection on both sides in front of the ear.
Sometimes the anesthetic may sag slightly and reach one of the facial nerves, causing a temporary misalignment of the mouth. This recovers after six to eight hours.
Access is obtained behind the ear to the cartilage, which is freed and folded. It is then checked that there is no minor bleeding.
Then the scar is closed and the position and symmetry of both ears are compared. Immediately after surgery, a large bandage is placed around both ears, which is left in place for a week.
Immediately after the procedure, you will wake up with a large bandage around your head. The bandage stays on for a week and should not get wet.
After a few hours, the local anesthetic wears off and the cartilage of the ear may become painful. Take a painkiller beforehand. Make sure you have plenty of painkillers at home.
One week after surgery, you will have another consultation at the outpatient clinic and the bandage will be removed. Then you will have to wear a wide hair bandage day and night for two weeks and then only at night.
Contact sports and activities involving the risk of contact with the operated ears should be avoided.
Six weeks after surgery is the last consultation at the outpatient clinic. From this time, sports are allowed again. At this check-up, attention is paid to the scars behind the ears and the position of the ears. You will receive advice on how to treat the scars.
If you think that something is not going well (for example, fever, feeling sick, redness of the wound area or sudden swelling) or you are worried about something, please contact Clinic het Bolwerk immediately.
This can be done by mail or telephone, as indicated in the postoperative instructions you receive by mail.
David Jairath has 15+ years of experience in ear correction aesthetic procedures.
Each treatment is tailored to your situation and needs through a personal consultation.
We meet the highest standards of sterilization, hygiene and safety.
Our team will carefully guide you through the recovery process and answer all your questions, even after the procedure.
There is no medical reason not to correct protruding ears. Too young an age may lead to temporary postponement of surgery.
In general, surgery can be done from the age of six.
After correction of detached ears, as after any surgical procedure, there is a risk of bleeding or wound infection. It is possible for the cartilage of the ear skeleton to return to its former detached position after some time.
If this happens, we can see if another correction will give improvement. Or whether this position will become the final position. A new procedure again involves costs. Symmetry is sought, but 100% equality between the left and right ear is almost impossible to achieve.
The final risk of surgery is the appearance of scars behind the ear. In some people, these scars may feel red, widened and swollen.
I am Drs. David Jairath, plastic surgeon. After studying medicine and specializing as a plastic surgeon, I further specialized in the aesthetic-cosmetic field.
During my career, I have worked in both academic and private clinics. My background includes reconstructive and cosmetic procedures.
In recent years, I have focused on non-invasive and minimal body image and wellness procedures. I now put my broad knowledge to use at Kliniek het Bolwerk.
As a plastic surgeon with more than 15 years of experience, I perform all procedures carefully, taking into account individual situations and wishes. I focus on optimal results and aftercare.
My mission is to support clients in their well-being through my medical expertise. Together with the client, I look at what options are appropriate. The client is the focal point.
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Rated with a 9.7 out of 10
Eyelid surgery
I recently went to Dr. David Jairath for an upper eyelid surgery. After a clear and knowledgeable consultation, I was able to be seen quickly. I found the procedure exciting, but because David tries to distract you while talking during the procedure, it was… Read more
Sept. 7, 2024
Eyelid surgery
Two weeks ago I had a lower eyelid surgery done. David the performing surgeon performed this very competently. I was quite nervous about this … but during the procedure I was put at ease, quiet music on the… Read more
Aug. 22, 2024
David gives you honest advice about what is and what is not necessary. Because of his years of experience as a plastic surgeon you can be sure that he knows what he is doing. Even though I only came for a filler, this gave… Read more
Aug. 17, 2024
Nipple correction
David did an excellent job helping me reduce the size of my nipples. For years it has bothered me and finally took the step to do something about it. The clinic is just clean and my treatment was perfectly prepared…. Read more
Aug. 9, 2024
I had been bothered by 2 birthmarks on my face for 20 years, I had them removed. I felt at ease with Dr. Jairath, he was readily available for questions and now 3 weeks after the procedure…. Read more
Aug. 7, 2024
Eyelid surgery
I also had an upper eyelid surgery performed by David several years ago. I was somewhat anxious and tense at the time. At the time, David performed the treatment carefully, respectfully and well. I really felt comfortable at the time. For… Read more
July 8, 2024
good communication!
July 8, 2024
After shaving off my beard, I noticed that the birthmark that I hadn’t seen for 20 years because of my beard had gotten a little bigger and was annoyingly in the way with shaving. Through googling I came across the site … Read more
July 8, 2024
Incredibly friendly and knowledgeable doctor. He takes the time to listen and thinks of solutions. Honest about treatment and puts you at ease. I am very glad I ended up with this doctor! All the… Read more
June 18, 2024
Removal of
skin blemishes
I had an unsightly pigment spot on the right side of my face. David Jairath removed it and two weeks later removed the stitches. Everything healed nicely. I am very satisfied… Read more
June 17, 2024
Integrative doctor and in the process friendly and very open. If David Jairath finds something unnecessary, he will not do it. Previously also had upper eyelid correction performed. Excellent result. This time I had deep folds filled with injectables. 100% confidence… Read more
May 21, 2024
Eyelid surgery
During initial consultation on eyelid surgery advice, I was clearly explained the desired procedure. I received honest advice. All this in a quiet environment without time pressure. Plastic surgeon, Dr. David Jairath is a very experienced doctor that I… Read more
May 5, 2024
Dr. Jareth is very friendly and takes extensive time to go over the treatment and decide together what is right for me. Very pleasant and very personal advice! I will definitely come back.
May 4, 2024
Am very happy with the result of treatment with David Jairath. Good explanation and extremely careful and I felt I was in good hands! The result is according to it!
May 3, 2024
Removal of
skin blemishes
I was able to come by quickly after a phone contact and be helped immediately. After a very friendly preliminary conversation I was able to sit on the treatment chair. After a few shots of anesthesia, the large pigment spot was removed and the area was sewn shut with a lot of… Read more
April 30, 2024
Pleasant contact. Calm. Clear explanation and instructions. Quick appointment and also quick treatment. In short: satisfied.
April 21, 2024
Very satisfied with clinic the stronghold. Professional, attention to you and your situation and a very competent surgeon.
April 19, 2024
Eyelid surgery
I’m glad I came to David.Super quick turn on good explanation. I am happy that after years I can see better again because of an eyelid correction. It is a bit more expensive than at another but…. Read more
April 11, 2024
Eyelid surgery
Recently underwent upper eyelid surgery with Dr. Jairath. I am very satisfied with the treatment and aftercare. Within 1 week I could go for a consultation and the operation. It was well explained and perfectly performed. Also during the removal of… Read more
April 9, 2024
Eyelid surgery
After a pleasant consultation, with doctor Jairath, where I received a good explanation about the eyelid correction, the operation took place last week. The anesthesia was the most annoying thing because Dr. Jairath performed the surgery skillfully and pleasantly: I… Read more
March 20, 2024
Dr. Jairath is a knowledgeable doctor with whom good care is paramount. Dr. Jairath listens carefully to your needs and gives honest advice. During treatment, he puts you very at ease and makes sure you are comfortable…. Read more
March 15, 2024
I was in this pleasant and easily accessible clinic with Dr. Jairth, a very professional and friendly doctor. He took the time to explain everything well and put me at ease. The treatment went smoothly and competently.
March 12, 2024
This can be a very tricky problem, depending on the cause. In fact, swelling on the ears can be caused by a variety of underlying problems. The following is an overview of the different types of swelling on the ear and possible treatment:
Troubled scars or keloids can appear behind the ear and are very stubborn to treat. An accident or surgery can cause such a scar. It is difficult to remove the abnormality permanently. Sometimes an injection of a corticosteroid helps, sometimes surgery followed by regular irradiation of the scar to keep it quiet.
Like skin cysts in other parts of the body, they can also occur behind the ear. These can easily be removed under local anesthesia. This is a minor procedure of about 30 minutes and the stitches are removed a week later.
This is almost impossible to pronounce, but this condition is characterized by small spots on the edge of the cartilage of the ear that are very painful when touched. It is a benign condition where it is thought to be caused by regularly pressing against it.
There is no conclusive treatment, sometimes treatments with liquid nitrogen or injections with corticosteroids help, sometimes removing the defect. This gives shape abnormalities of the cartilage by removal where the edge of the ear becomes smaller. Unfortunately, the abnormality usually returns, requiring repeated treatment.
Regular damage to the ear can cause a reaction of the cartilage. This cartilage reaction changes the shape of the cartilage and the shape of the normal ear is lost.
In this process, the ear most closely resembles a crumpled ear or cauliflower ear. Rugby and wrestling are sports in which the ear can regularly get stuck and cause permanent damage.
Any bruising to the ear should therefore be treated as soon as possible to prevent worse. Unfortunately, if the cartilage is eventually damaged, there is nothing that can be done about it. Preventing injury, by wearing protection, is therefore best.
Protruding ears or floppy ears are common. They are usually caused by an abnormality in the cartilage skeleton of the ear.
This cartilage skeleton can be corrected by plastic surgery.
Correction of the position of the ears is performed from the age of about six years.
Only an initial consultation that does not lead to treatment.
A correction of protruding ears takes about 90 minutes.
In children under 12 years of age, the procedure is usually performed under anesthesia.
Above 12 years of age, the procedure may also be performed under local anesthesia.
The procedure takes 90 minutes but is not painful. Because instruments are used in the area around the ear, it can be very noisy. Most people opt for surgery under general anesthesia.
The hairband should be worn day and night for the first 2 weeks to prevent the ears from being turned over on the pillow at night, which could change the shape back.
Even during the day, it is necessary to prevent anyone from suddenly pulling on the ears, which can cause the loss of the operated result. Therefore, wearing a hair band is recommended.
The hairband should be comfortable. Not too tight, which is not necessary for anything and can lead to small pressure spots on the skin of the ears.
A correction to the ears can be painful. We recommend, especially in children, taking painkillers regularly for the first 24 to 48 hours and not waiting for pain. See also the section on pain relief.
If the procedure is performed under general anesthesia, a local anesthetic is also given with a long-acting drug. This can keep the ears pain-free for up to 6 hours.
Ear correction scars occur behind the ear to minimize their prominence.
Whether it is wise to play sports depends on the sport. It is not recommended for at least 6 weeks or so. Certainly sports where there may be a tap to the ear, a ball to the ear or where a helmet must be worn are not wise to do.
There may be decreased skin sensation behind the ears. This is usually temporary and disappears as the scar matures.
Yes, with age the shape and size of the ears change. Especially in men, this is the case. Because of this, it is common for an ear that has a little bit of detachment to start detaching more as it ages.
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Kliniek het Bolwerk