Retracted nipples

Retracted nipples are more common than you might think and can cause both aesthetic and functional problems.

In some people, the nipples pull inward instead of facing outward, which can cause uncertainty or make it difficult to breastfeed. Fortunately, correction of retracted nipples can easily correct this problem.

Some signs that you may be suffering from nipple problems are:

  • Uncertainty about the appearance of the nipples, such as retracted or asymmetrical nipples.
  • Physical discomfort, especially when wearing tight clothing.
  • Problems or pain with breastfeeding due to the shape of the nipples.
  • Psychological discomfort, such as avoiding certain clothing or social situations.

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What are retracted nipples?

Retracted nipples occur when the connective tissue bands under the nipple are shorter than normal, causing the nipple to be pulled inward instead of outward. This can occur on one or both nipples and varies in severity. In some cases, the nipple may be temporarily pulled outward but naturally pulls back in. In more severe cases, the nipple remains permanently retracted.

What are the consequences of retracted nipples?

Pinched nipples can have a negative effect on self-confidence and overall body image. This can lead to insecurity when wearing certain clothes, such as tight tops or swimwear.

In addition, retracted nipples can cause functional problems, especially for women who want to breastfeed. Retracted nipples can make the breastfeeding process difficult or even impossible because the baby has difficulty grasping the nipple.

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When is correction of retracted nipples necessary?

A correction of retracted nipples can be a good solution if you suffer from:

  • Aesthetic concerns: If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your nipples and it affects your self-confidence.
  • Functional problems: For example, if you want to breastfeed but have difficulty because of retracted nipples.
  • Physical discomfort: In some cases, retracted nipples may cause irritation or discomfort.

The treatment process for retracted nipples

Why choose Kliniek het Bolwerk?

David Jairath has more than 15 years of experience in aesthetic procedures, including nipple correction. His expertise ensures safe and natural results.

Each treatment is tailored to your situation and needs through a personal consultation.

We meet the highest standards of sterilization, hygiene and safety.

Our team will carefully guide you through the recovery process and answer all your questions, even after the procedure.

When not to have correction of
retracted nipples performed?

The procedure will not be performed if there are health risks that may cause complications, such as the use of certain medications (e.g. blood thinners) or if there is poor general health. Therefore, always discuss your medical history and any medication use with the plastic surgeon.


As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks, although they are rare. Possible complications include:

  • Swelling and bruising: There may be slight swelling or discoloration after the procedure, but this usually disappears within a few days.
  • Scarring: Although there is always a small risk of scarring, these are usually minimal and fade over time.
  • Infections or bleeding: This is rare, but should it happen, it can be treated quickly and effectively.

Drs. D Jairath


I am Drs. David Jairath, plastic surgeon with extensive experience in both reconstructive and cosmetic procedures. After studying medicine and specializing in plastic surgery, I worked in teaching hospitals and private clinics, where I developed a broad expertise in aesthetic treatments, including nipple corrections.

In recent years, I have increasingly shifted my focus to minimally invasive procedures that not only improve appearance, but also promote the well-being of my clients. At Kliniek het Bolwerk, I carefully apply my knowledge to perform procedures, such as nipple corrections, with precision and customization, always putting the client’s wishes first.

With over 15 years of experience, I strive for the best outcome for each patient. I pay close attention to both the procedure and aftercare to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal end result. My mission is to guide clients to better health and improved self-esteem, with treatments that are completely tailored to their individual needs and desires.


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  • Nipple correction single sided €650
  • Nipple correction double sided €899
  • Nipple areola correction single sided €750
  • Nipple areola correction double sided €1000
  • First consultation €45

    Only an initial consultation that does not lead to treatment.

Frequently asked questions about correction of retracted nipples

The correction of retracted nipples is performed under local anesthesia, so you will not feel any pain during the procedure. Some mild pain or discomfort may occur after the procedure, but this is usually mild and disappears within a few days. Painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can help relieve this discomfort.

The area may be somewhat swollen or sensitive, but this usually disappears quickly. If the pain persists or increases, it is wise to contact your plastic surgeon to rule out possible complications.

Recovery after correction of retracted nipples is usually quick. Sutures are removed within one to two weeks, and most people can resume daily activities within a few days, as long as they avoid pressure and friction on the treatment area.

It is important to wear loose, breathable clothing during recovery and avoid strenuous exercise, such as sports. Full recovery usually takes several weeks, but scars may continue to fade for several months. During aftercare appointments, your plastic surgeon will check that recovery is going well.

In most cases, women can breastfeed without problems after correction of retracted nipples. The procedure mainly focuses on loosening the connective tissue bands that pull the nipple inward, without affecting the milk ducts. This makes it possible to breastfeed as normal after healing.

However, it is important to consult with your plastic surgeon if breastfeeding is an important consideration for you so that it can be taken into account during the procedure. Sometimes, however, the extent of breastfeeding can vary depending on the complexity of the correction.

In most cases, a retracted nipple is not dangerous and is primarily an aesthetic or functional problem. Some people opt for a correction to feel more comfortable or to be able to breastfeed. However, in rare cases, a retracted nipple can be a symptom of an underlying condition, such as infection, inflammation, or even breast cancer, especially if the nipple becomes suddenly retracted.

If you experience other symptoms such as discharge, pain, or a lump in addition to a retracted nipple, it is important to seek medical attention for further investigation.

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