Clinic the Bolwerk takes a careful approach to the possibilities that plastic and cosmetic surgery can offer. Much is possible, but surgery is not always the solution. Of course we would like to satisfy clients’ wishes, but we also want our clients to be satisfied. Our medical team is therefore happy to give you sincere advice about treatments, the pros and cons or even the risks. In some cases it may even be that a treatment is not recommended.
Following the guidelines of the Dutch Society of Plastic Surgery(NVPC), no children under the age of 18 will be operated on or treated at Clinic het Bolwerk.
Even though in some cases it may be necessary to go through Clinic het Bolwerk for the financial administration, the actual surgeries under anesthesia are performed in the operating rooms elsewhere where a team of qualified health care professionals are present to guide you.
The decision to have plastic surgery is not taken lightly. You have thought about it carefully and we will do everything we can to ensure that the result of the treatment meets your expectations. Together we discussed the treatment and determined what was or was not possible. To ensure that no steps are skipped in the procedures and the agreements between client and treatment specialist are mutually understood, we ask clients to sign a treatment terms and conditions prior to treatment.
Kliniek het Bolwerk