Eyelid lift

Do you suffer from droopy or sagging eyelids? If so, eyelid lifting, also known as blepharoplasty or eyelid lift, may offer a solution. Eyelid surgery involves removing excess skin and/or fat around your eyes. This has the following benefits:

  • You have a less tired look because overhanging eyelids are corrected.
  • Your eyelids itch or irritate less because excess skin has been removed.
  • Your vision is improved because excess skin or fat no longer limits your field of vision.
  • It is easier to keep your eye makeup beautiful for longer.

Eyelid surgery brings relief to people with sagging or drooping eyelids. During the consultation, we’ll discuss whether an eyelid lift has potential for you for a fresher, more rested eye look.


Rated with a 9.8 out of 10

Oogleden liften door Kliniek het Bolwerk

Rated with a 9.8 out of 10

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The treatment process

More than a thousand clients have gone before you

Drs. David Jairath, plastic surgeon

My name is David Jairath and I have been a plastic surgeon since 2004. After studying medicine at the UvA, I specialized in plastic surgery. During my training I did internships at home and abroad.

After my training I started working at the Spaarne Ziekenhuis, now the Spaarne Gasthuis with locations in Hoofddorp, Haarlem Zuid and Noord. Here I was involved in reconstructive surgery, trauma, hand and general plastic surgery.

I then specialized in cosmetic surgery at a private hospital clinic. I now put my broad experience to use at Kliniek het Bolwerk, where I treat my patients with the best care. With my expertise, I want to help others with plastic-surgical solutions.

Dr David Jairath - Oogleden liften

All reviews are verified on Zorgkaartnederland.nl.

What our clients say


Rated with a 9.8 out of 10

Rates eyelid lift

Frequently Asked Questions

As with other procedures, there are a small number of potential risks associated with eyelid surgery. We perform the procedure with the utmost care and attention to avoid complications as much as possible.

Temporary swelling and bruising sometimes occur after the procedure, but usually disappear within a week. Permanent scars are also rare.

With our comprehensive aftercare program, the chance of side effects is minimal. We use state-of-the-art techniques and have years of experience with hundreds of procedures.

We are happy to explain how we minimize risks and maximize recovery. Our patients know they are in good hands with us for a natural and beautiful result.

A cosmetic eyelid lift is usually not covered by basic insurance because it is considered an optional procedure.

Sometimes additional insurance does offer coverage. In cases of medical necessity, such as when the eyelids obstruct vision, there may be reimbursement for eyelid surgery from basic insurance.

Contact your insurer to find out if and to what extent they will cover the cost of an eyelid lift in your situation.

Should there be no reimbursement, you can also bear the costs yourself. We are transparent about our fees. Together with you, we look at which financial solution fits best.

At Clinic the Bolwerk, we value careful and confidential treatment. Although we like to show what is possible with eyelid lifting, we respect the privacy of our patients.

Therefore, we do not share medical images without permission. During a consultation, we do discuss expectations openly and honestly. Patients can also bring their own pictures.

Thus, we explain what the procedure entails and the possible results, without going into individual cases.

It is wise to rest for a few days because of swelling and bruising around the eyes. This is normal and decreases gradually.

About a week after the procedure, the sutures are removed. You can then carefully return to work and resume your normal activities.

It does take several weeks after that before the final results are visible. You usually see the greatest improvement within 2-3 weeks.

Our experience shows that clients recover relatively quickly. However, it is important to follow aftercare advice.

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You can make an appointment by calling 023-5837405 or emailing info@kliniekhetbolwerk.nl.

You can make an appointment via Whatsapp at 06-49899167

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