Expertise at Kliniek het Bolwerk

At Kliniek het Bolwerk, you have also come to the right place for an expertise or second opinion.

What is an expertise or second opinion?

An expertise or second opinion is asking for an opinion from a different doctor than the one you have already been to.

You may have doubts about the outcome of a treatment, or you may want to hear a 2nd opinion before a treatment whether the procedure should be performed or how it will be performed.

When in doubt a second opinion can be a good decision, at clinic the Bolwerk I will give you an honest advice.

If you find the results of treatment (elsewhere) disappointing, or you have complications, I may also be able to help you.

Unfortunately, it happens that people are not satisfied with treatment or things do not go as desired.

If you think a treatment from elsewhere would be better or you are unsure of the results, make an appointment for a consultation.


Rated with a 9.8 out of 10

second opinion

Rated with a 9.8 out of 10

Why do I think I can give expert opinions?

During my career as a plastic surgeon, since I graduated in 2004, I have gained a lot of experience in different areas of plastic surgery.

I now use this experience to help people who have complex problems, that is, to give expertise.

Scars after trauma or previous surgery

Every surgery leaves a scar, which is the consequence of surgical treatment. Some scars are not as attractive as previously thought. Perhaps something can be done about this?

Acute or old, extensive experience gained during my training at the Red Cross Hospital Beverwijk and the time when I treated the people of the Volendam disaster.

For burns in the acute phase or old burn scars, you can visit Kliniek het Bolwerk for advice and treatment.

Skin cancers are the most common forms of cancer. In our area so close to the coast, it is really very common.

Fortunately, most forms of skin cancer are easily treatable. Another very common form of cancer is breast cancer.

Eyelids, correction of protruding ears, scar corrections and labia correction were all among the procedures I performed at the private inpatient clinic PCC Spaarne, which I founded in 2005.

In all these years I have done many breast corrections. These consisted of the reduction of too large breasts but also ladies with congenital breast deformities are part of my area of interest.

Acute injuries are among my areas of expertise but for these you are not at the right place at Kliniek het Bolwerk.

Of course, I am always willing to do a consultation or treat small things for you but the major traumas and wounds belong in the hospital. For general practitioners, I am always available to watch along via video link if necessary.

In summary when in doubt about a procedure or result, make an appointment.



  • First consultation €45

    Only an initial consultation that does not lead to treatment.

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Rated with a 9.8 out of 10

Make an appointment

You can make an appointment through our online schedule or by calling 023-5837405.

You can make an appointment via Whatsapp at 06-49899167


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