Clinic the Bolwerk: The Continuation of PCC Spaarne

You probably came here because you are looking for information about PCC Spaarne. I would like to announce that Kliniek het Bolwerk is the continuation of my practice in the Plastisch Cosmetisch Centrum Spaarne at the Händellaan 2a in Heemstede.

After 14 successful years of being located at Händellaan in Heemstede, our lease there was unfortunately not renewed. This gave me the opportunity to think about the future of my practice.

My goal was to continue to provide exceptional plastic and cosmetic care in the future. Therefore, I started looking for a modern location that met my high standards and found it at Staten Bolwerk 1.

Although there was a lot of remodeling to be done, I knew this was the right place. This is how Clinic het Bolwerk was born: a new location, a new name and a new concept. We offer the same high-quality care you are used to from PCC Spaarne, but in a renewed environment.


Rated with a 9.8 out of 10

Kliniek het Bolwerk

Rated with a 9.8 out of 10

Drs. David Jairath of PCC Spaarne

First, I would like to briefly introduce myself to people who don’t already know me from the Plastisch Cosmetisch Centrum Spaarne. My name is Drs. David Jairath and I have been working as a specialized plastic surgeon since 2004.

After studying Medicine and specializing at the University of Amsterdam, I did internships at home and abroad in the field of reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. After this I gained experience at the Spaarne Gasthuis with reconstructive and plastic surgery as my focus area.

At Plastisch Cosmetisch Centrum Spaarne (PCC Spaarne), I further specialized in non-invasive cosmetic treatments such as Botox and fillers. Unfortunately, this location had to close in April 2023 due to an expiring lease.

In order to continue my experience and expertise, I founded Kliniek het Bolwerk. From this fully renovated location, I can use my years of knowledge to achieve optimal results and provide personalized care.


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Rated with a 9.8 out of 10

Pcc Spaarne Kliniek het Bolwerk

Our commitment to your health and well-being

Our modern clinic, evolved from PCC Spaarne, offers a pleasant environment with the latest equipment and facilities. This allows us to perform our services at the highest level.

Comfort and a welcoming approach are our top priorities. We emphasize a personal approach so that you feel heard and taken seriously.

Our mission is to improve your health and well-being through excellent medical care and an enjoyable experience. You are central to this.

New location

For those patients who already knew me from Plastisch Cosmetisch Centrum (PCC) Spaarne: since April 2023, I have found a new location after PCC Spaarne’s lease expired.

From then on, I have been based at a modern location in Haarlem. This address is Staten Bolwerk, Koetshuis 1, 1st floor, 2011 MK Haarlem.

From this fully remodeled and equipped practice, I and my team are able to provide the same excellent quality of care you were familiar with at PCC Spaarne.

The new location also has excellent accessibility. I look forward to welcoming you.

If you have any questions about the move please feel free to contact me.

Kliniek het Bolwerk

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